
We give because 

God gave us first!

Online Give

We believe that the Church should reflect Jesus by being generous, giving our time, talents, and resources to the Kingdom of God and to the work that still needs to be done. It is our joy to honor the Lord with our donations.

Ways to

We provide various ways to donate that are convenient, safe, and easy to use:


To donate quickly and safely using your credit or debit cards, complete the form by clicking the following button.

donate by email


Send your offering by check payable to “Victory Assembly” to our address: P.O. Box 6990 Siloam Springs, AR 72761

Join our weekly services

During Services

Every weekend we have the opportunity to give as part of our worship during services.


Sunday School – 10:00am
Sunday Morning – 11:00am
Sunday Evening – 6:00pm
Wednesday – 7:00pm ‌


Thank you for your continued faithful contribution to the work of God with donations, offerings, and tithing, which are essential for us to continue operating.


Do you have any questions? We are here to help.

The tithe is one tenth of all income that God provides. Offerings are donations given to God on top of the tithe.

Save time! Simplify your living! You can access your donation history by creating an account. It can also help you to be consistent and faithful in giving.

You can call us at (479) 549-3459

Send an email to:

We will be more than happy to help you

Because it is the way the Church is sustained. By giving tithes and offerings, you are not only contributing to the extension of the Kingdom of God, but you yourself are being blessed; for in obedience to God is the blessing. In 2 Corinthians 9:7 it says, “Each one give as he purposed in his heart: not sadly, nor out of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Donating online today is totally Safe. We have a solid security and precision system, which allows you to make your donations with complete peace of mind.

You can always cancel by removing your credit card or bank account information along with your donation dates. But once you’ve enjoyed the convenience and time savings of giving online, we doubt you’ll want to go back to giving the way you once did.

For more information about events, meetings, or getting connected, contact (479-549-3459)

For more information about events, meetings, or getting connected, contact
